Refund and Chargeback Policy


Poole Young Carers, in common with all registered charities, are constrained by charity law (The Charities Act 2011), which means that we are only able to refund a donation in certain prescribed circumstances.

We realise that errors sometimes happen, and there may be an occasion when you need to speak to us about a donation or purchase. Please contact us using the following email in this instance: [email protected]

Refunds are to be made using the same payment method and/or card details used to make the donation/payment and there will be no cash alternative. The condition of a refund depends on the following transaction circumstances:


Poole Young Carers is not able to refund any donation, although we will consider a refund of any duplicate donations (but not the original donation) made in error (if, for example, you clicked on the Donate button more than once).

If you have made a duplicate donation(s) by mistake, please contact us at [email protected]. A refund of the duplicate donation(s) may be given at the discretion of the Poole Young Carers Board of Trustees less any charges we have incurred.

The other circumstance in which refunds will be made is where unauthorised use of your payment card is proved. If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider in accordance with its reporting rules.

The Direct Debit Guarantee applies to all Direct Debits. It protects you in the rare event that there is an error in the payment of your Direct Debit, for instance if a payment is taken on the incorrect date, or the wrong amount is collected.

  • The Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits
  • If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit the organisation will notify you (normally 10 working days) in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the organisation to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request
  • If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the organisation or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid directly from your bank or building society under your Direct Debit Guarantee
  • If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when the organisation asks you to
  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify the organisation.

Payments/donations made to Poole Young Carers will show on your bank statement as one of the following: ???


In the instance that we are notified by your bank that you have claimed a chargeback, we will investigate the validity of the claim and any dispute will be actioned by our solicitors. Chargebacks are not a legal right.

Help us give young
carers the opportunity
to be
a child for a day.

Copyright © 2023 Poole Young Carers. All rights reserved. Registered Charity Number 1132518.