Anti Money Laundering Policy

Poole Young Carers is committed to protecting our charitable funds against all types of fraudulent activity, including money laundering.

If at any time unusual requests or transactions come to light or there is any attempted or suspected illegal activity when processing monitory contributions or fundraising activity, we would follow our Anti Money Laundering policy and report our suspicions to our Board of Trustees who will use a risk-based measure to make the necessary assessments.

If at any time any fundraising activity is recognised by the Board of Trustees as having the potential to be fraudulent, tax avoidance or part of suspected criminal proceeds the matter will be reported to the relevant authorises: Action Fraud and The Charity Commission or HMRC.

Help us give young
carers the opportunity
to be
a child for a day.

Copyright © 2023 Poole Young Carers. All rights reserved. Registered Charity Number 1132518.