How we work

Through fundraising and our work with partners,
we work to support young carers.


We raise funds within our local community through individual donations and fund raising events. We are very grateful for
the support of organisations and community groups, which
support our charity by raising funds and providing venues for
fund-raising events.

We are also supported by local businesses, who donate products
to support our fund-raising and provide gifts, which are given to young carers at Christmas and Easter.

We are always keen to involve as many local people, organisations and businesses as possible in our fund-raising. Please get in touch
if you would like to be involved as a guest to a fund-raising event
or in organising an event.

Working with Partners

We collaborate with partners, who provide services for young carers in Poole, in order to make the best use of all the funds raised by the Charity. Each year, we and our partners agree a plan for the use of the charity’s funds. We make sure that we understand what difference the funding is making to young carers and their families. Our funds are used flexibly so that individual young carers can receive the support which works best for them and their family. Our two main partners are:

BCP Council Children’s Services who have a statutory duty
to identify, register and support young carers in the area. More information can be found about their services via this weblink. BCP > Children young people and families

MYTIME – a Dorset based charity whose mission is “to level
up the playing field for young carers by providing them with the support, friendship and opportunities that every child deserves”.
You can find out more about MyTime through this link to its website:


Please note that the Poole Young Carers charity does not work with young people
ourselves or hold information or data about individual young carers and their families.

Help us give young
carers the opportunity
to be
a child for a day.

Copyright © 2023 Poole Young Carers. All rights reserved. Registered Charity Number 1132518.

This site was designed, coded and illustrated by Bright Blue Day ltd with love, care and importantly – and gratefully – with their compliments.
The illustrations were drawn by Grace Reeves.